Greenways are corridors of open space managed for conservation, recreation and transportation purposes. Greenways often follow natural land or water features, and link nature reserves, parks, cultural features, historic sites, and other public spaces with each other and with populated areas.
Midtown Greenway in Minneapolis (photo by Payton Chung)
Creating a greenway on the former Morris Canal will benefit residents and visitors alike. The greenway is envisioned to be a facility for local circulation, providing connections to transit, retail, and parks, as well as connections to regional bicycle and pedestrian facilities such as the East Coast Greenway and the Liberty-Water Gap Trail.
Trails and greenways support healthy lifestyles and improve communities by providing not only recreation and transportation opportunities, but also by influencing economic and community development. Some of the many benefits of greenways include:
- Providing connections to transit, parks and open space, and other community destinations
- Making communities better places to live by preserving and creating open spaces
- Creating new opportunities for non-motorized transportation and outdoor recreation
- Strengthening local economies
- Protecting the environment
- Preserving culturally and historically valuable areas.
Can’t wait to ride on this. I would be very close to my house.